White Paper – Problems That Arise From An Ineffective Sales Motivation Scheme


Every company that sells products or services wants to increase their revenue without pushing their expenses up too high. A sales motivation scheme is one of the key ways a company can maximize their earnings. Of course a motivation scheme does mean making payments too – after all, sales people are there to earn a living! That’s why an efficient scheme matters so much. An efficient and well-designed scheme means the best return possible for the investment. Even in cases where sales targets are challenging, the right scheme can work magic and cause a rise in revenues.

What is though happening when the scheme is not well designed? What consequences does it have?



What sales management overlooks sometimes is to consider the sales motivation program in place as the main reasons some problems arise in the company. It is surprising how many issues start from there, even problems not directly related to the sales force.


The white paper covers the following ideas:

The Dangers Of An Ineffective Sales Motivation Scheme

How To Identify Whether The Sales Scheme Is The Problem

Defining Sales Scheme Efficiency

Four Indicators Of A Problem In The Sales Scheme

The First Step In Identifying The Problem

Further Steps To Analysing The Sales Scheme

Seven Steps To Correct An Ineffective Sales Motivation Scheme